SE – Active Start (3-6 YO)

Spring and Fall programs are seven-eight weeks in length. Fees are $50 (each child receives a Sport Explorerz t-shirt). Volunteer service is required (please go to the links before for more information). Parent attendance is required. Instruction and supervision is only provided to registrants. No refunds will be given after the start date of the program (volunteer service must still be completed). Please read the Parent Information Sheet here.

You will need to purchase a community league membership from your home league at time of registration (you can purchase one in advance here). Please ensure you bring a blank cheque for your volunteer service.

For current infomation about Sport Explorerz please visit the McLeod Community League Sport Explorerz page.

If your community league does not offer this program, you are welcome to contact any of the participating community leagues to register however, you must provide proof of a current membership from your own community league.

Evansdale (
Lago Lindo (
Kilkenny (
McLeod (
Northmount (